Sunday, January 23, 2011

Discrimination against white nurses from Filipinos

graduated from nursing school in Dec 09' got my first real job in Dec 2010, just before holiday season! I got excited, things were looking up - I'd have some extra $ for Christmas! When I entered the wellness center I was surrounded by Filipino nurses! Ratio 9:1, me being the only white nurse on the floor. This did not bother me one way or the other, I'm not prejodous, but I soon realized my Filipino boss was schedualing me in a way that allowed all my co-workers to have PTO during the holiday season! I worked my a@! Off, pulling double shifts & working 14 hrs/day! Taking care of 70+ residents per shift! While all my co-workers enjoyed holiday parties & family gatherings! I even worked Christmas eve and the day after! Then pulled a double on new years eve and the first! I figured the $ was good and I'd show my boss what a team player I'd been! This was a good thing! Very shortly I got burned out, couldn't keep my eyes open when home! Driving home at 2-3 am and passing out when got home! I hadn't seen my husband in weeks! After the holidays came to an end, and all my co-workers came home from the philipines, my hours started to dwindle? I figured it was because everyone needed to work! Well, was I wrong! a few od the nurses started becoming very rude to me! excluded me from conversations, speaking in Togolese, and giggling!Shortly after that I ended up in my bosses office! I was told I'd rubbed some of my co-workers the wrong way? What did that mean? It clearly meant personality conflict! The next schedule was posted and surprisingly 8 days off coming up! No schedule for me? A week had passed - my boss called me at 10:30am at home on a Friday, she asked me to come to work at 2pm that afternoon! She wanted to speak to me? I thought finally, she is going to discuss the hard work I've done, etc, etc! No, I was told I was being suspended! I was shocked! 2 meetings later, and 8 days I was fired! After she handed me my check she said, it would look better on my file to say I resigned! I got nervous with the way she was speaking about future employment and agreed! Now I cannot collect unemployment - how do I feed myself? I want to call a lawyer, but have decided this early in my career I'd better find a place to work as a nurse where fillipinoes don't rule the roost? This is going to be difficult! This is very unfair & I feel so violated! I don't feel comfortable about discussing this with my friends or relatives because of the discrimination!

1 comment:

  1. Haven't found a job yet! It's been over a week since this occurred. Ive moved on and have learned from this experience, but will never forget it!
